Conversational Surveys

Conversational surveys are now available through SurveyMR 2.0. Conversational surveys bring a more familiar and personal feeling to the way a user experiences the delivery of a survey.

Using the existing survey builder tool, you can now build surveys that deliver all questions sequentially rather than form-by-form, creating a smoother experience, where the survey appears more like a chat or message log.

For a full guide to the survey building process, please see our original Help Manual on SurveyMR2.0 here, and our video walkthrough here. We also have some extra information about the differing features of Classic and Conversational surveys later in this guide.

How to begin building your conversational survey:

  • Go to the SurveyMR 2.0 tool via back room > research tools > SurveyMR 2.0.
  • Click on the ‘Add SurveyMR 2.0’ button.
  • In the pop-up that appears, you will find the option to create either a Classic or Conversational survey (Note – You cannot switch between the two options, once you have created one).

Conversational - create Survey 2.0

How to begin populating your conversational survey:

Once you have added your new survey, you can begin by dragging a “Continuous” node onto the canvas, and add your first question. In Conversational surveys, you will only be able to add one question per node. This is to allow any background routing to function, without any gaps in the sequential experience of the user.

Conversational surveys feature many of the same question types as classic surveys. These include:

  • Information question
  • Single Choice question
  • Multiple Choice question
  • Text question
  • PromptAl question
  • Scale question
  • Net Promoter Score® question
  • Number Range question
  • Date question
  • Video Booth question

For some more general information on question types, you can see our guide to creating questions here.

Here is an example of how the user will experience their journey through the survey

Conversational Survey example

A summary of Conversational surveys

  • Conversational surveys are found via the existing SurveyMR 2.0 builder tool. You can select between “Classic” and “Conversational” but cannot switch between the two once you have started building.
  • All of the same routing options are available, but the option for “Form” in the Classic survey type has been replaced with “Continuous” for the Conversational survey type.
  • You can only add one question per Continuous node in the Conversational type survey. This is to allow any additional routing or quotas to take place after each question, without interrupting the continuous experience of the user.
  • Conversational surveys include many of the same question types as the “Classic” survey type, with the scope for other types to be added in the future.
  • You can use the same sample types, and distribute in the same way as Classic surveys - internal, open access, unique ID link, embedded and CSV upload.
  • You can export Conversational surveys in the same way as Classic surveys – CSV or Triple-S. You can also analyse the same eligible question types through NumbersMR, TextMR or ActivateMR.

If you have any further questions about Conversational surveys, or would like to speak to our support team about learning more, please contact us on