Creating questions in SurveyMR 2.0

SurveyMR 2.0 supports various different question types, including allowing media to be used within questions.

To create a question, you will first need to add a form from the ‘Page’ menu on the left-hand side of the build tab. To do this, click on the ‘form’ box and drag and drop this into the canvas area.


To create a question, from the ‘Form’ box in your canvas, select the edit icon in the top right-hand corner or select the ‘+ Add Questions’ option.


Multiple questions can be added to a single form allowing longer surveys to require fewer overall forms. One form equates to one page within your survey.

The available question types in the SurveyMR 2.0 tool are:

  • Information
  • Single Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • Text
  • Scale
  • Grid – Single Choice
  • Grid – Multiple Choice
  • Number Range
  • Ranking
  • Constant Sum
  • Card Sort – Select
  • Card Sort – Categorise
  • Card Sort – Associate
  • Video Booth
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Personal Data
  • Semantic Differential
  • Date

Once your question type is selected you can then add the question text and answer options to your question.

Within the question box you are able to alter and change the basic text formatting as well as add in other formatting such as images, hyperlinks and videos in to your question text.

If you are copying your survey text into SurveyMR 2.0 from a word document and you have multiple answers, you don’t need to create an answer box per option. If you format the answers so that each one is on a new line, you can copy all options in at once into the first box and this will split them out for you.


When adding your answers, you can also add features to these to ensure that users interact with your questions exactly as intended. These features are highlighted below and are shown after the answer options, depending on the features activated.

surveymr2.0setascustomSet as custom – This feature allows you to collect a text response as a follow up to the answer. Perfect for questions with an ‘Other, please specify’ answer option

surveymr2.0makeexclusiveMake exclusive – This feature fixes this answer as exclusive and ensures that when a user selects this, all other answers are unselected. 

surveymr2.0setaspinnedSet as pinned – Setting an answer as pinned fixes the location of your answer option when they are set to randomised order. This is great for a ‘None of the above’ answer option.

surveymr2.0orderofanswersAnswer Ordering - These arrows allow you to change the order of the answers shown 

surveymr2.0deleteanswer Delete answer - Removes an answer option 

Once your question is saved within your form there are multiple options available for editing:


surveymr2.0editiconEdit – Allows you to make further edits and changes to your survey.

surveymr2.0previewiconPreview – Lets you see the consumer view of your question

surveymr2.0duplicateiconDuplicate – Duplicates this question exactly

surveymr2.0moveiconMove – Lets you move this question to a new form

surveymr2.0deleteicon2Delete - Removes the whole question 

Once you have added in your question/s you can click the submit button and continue to add further forms and branch logic to your survey.