How to publish new surveys in SurveyMR 2.0

Before a survey can be made ‘live’, it is important to set the survey sample, and add any settings that will be required.

Once your survey is programmed, the following options should be considered:

Sample - who you are targeting with your survey (e.g. existing people who have accounts within the platform or people outside of the platform)

Settings - In SurveyMR 2.0 you have the following options on the ‘Settings’ tab:


Details – You can edit both the consumer facing survey title and the internal name. You can also choose to hide the back button from participants (this does not affect routing).

Survey Logo – Here you can add an additional logo to the survey and choose whether you want it to be left, centre or right aligned on the page.

External access – The default option is for the site header and footer to be hidden from view for external participants. If you wish to show the site branding you can check the box to include this, or add alternative text to show in the footer of the page.

Reward points - The number of points an internal user earns for completing the survey or being routed out early (if left blank, this defaults to the standard points in the community settings)

If, on the ‘Sample’ tab you have selected for the survey to have an open link, you will also see the below option where you can add ‘Expected URL Variables’. This is an important step if you are using a sample provider and adding passback links, or appending data to the survey link sent out (such as customer IDs) to identify individual participants in the data download.


Going Live


This should only be set once you have set up the sample and settings as this controls the dates on which your survey starts and ends. You can either set the survey to go live instantly ('Go live now') or set it to go live automatically on a specific date via the calendar. You can also set a date for the survey to close, or you can leave this blank and manually close the survey at a later date.


If using the calendar to set start and end dates, the survey will go live at 00:01 on the date in the calendar and close at 23:59 on the date in the calendar. IMPORTANT: If your survey closes, you cannot reopen the same survey so only set dates if you are certain you want it to close on that date!

Inviting users

Once you have put your survey live and want to share it with participants, you can do this from the ‘Invite’ tab. For surveys running to internal users with accounts, use the 'Send internal invites' option on the left-hand side of the tab. A pop-up box will show on screen where you can edit the invitation text, subject line, and preview the invitation.




When your survey is in field, you will also be able to use the invitation tab to send reminders. The reminder email follows the same format as the invitation, but will exclude any users who have already responded to the survey.

Open Link

If you are using an open link survey which you will be publishing or sharing outside of the platform, all you need to do is copy the open link from the 'Invite' tab.

External Sample

If you have uploaded a CSV file of external participants to the sample tab in the survey, an extra box to 'Send external invites' will be visible on the right-hand side of the 'Invite' tab. You can select this option and then follow the steps above to send invites and reminders.


Helpful tip: When you invite external participants to a survey who have been uploaded from a CSV file, it is good practice to add an unsubscribe link to give them the option to supress reminders for that survey (no_reminder_link) and/or a link to unsubscribe from all future emails from the InsightHub (unsubscribe_link); these show in the fields list on the right-hand side of the invite/reminder pop-up window. If anyone unsubscribes from your survey you can export the list from the main survey page.