A number of settings provide significant control over how participants interact with SmartboardMR tasks & images.
To add a new Smartboard click on the 'Add Smartboard' button on the right of the main Smartboard page, give your Smartboard a title and add any admin rights as needed:
The next step is to add the other key settings to the Smartboard task, including:
- Adding images
- Select the 'choose file' button to browse and select your first image, when this is added you will see the icons
and also a thumbnail of the uploaded image on the page
- To add multiple images select the + from the icons and another 'choose file' button will appear for you to add another image
- To remove images select the - from the icons next to the image you would like to remove
- Select how you would like your images to be displayed - 'Resize Width and Height' will resize the image to fit on the screen (without scrolling capability), 'Show full width' will resize the width to fit on the screen but will show full height (allows scrolling of the page up and down)
- Select the 'choose file' button to browse and select your first image, when this is added you will see the icons
Add a description - Top and Bottom text, we would recommend including loose questions in the top description of what you would like the participants to focus on when leaving comments on the Smartboard
Allow unannotated - allow the participants to see the image without any annotations
Allow sentiments - allow participants to include sentiments on their comments (positive, neutral, negative)
Allow private first - all existing comments will be hidden from the participant until they have added their first one
Completion target - completion target is optional, this allows the morderator to keep track of how many comments each participant has left on the Smartboard via the participants page. If a completion level is not set, on the participant page the completion level will show as 0% if the participant has done nothing and 100% if they have made 1 comment. If a completion target is set, percentages on the participant page will be updated accordingly (e.g. completion target of 4 and a percentage in the participants page of 25% means the participant has left 1 comment)
When setting up the Smartboard, on the 'Sample' tab, you can either select from a list of existing consumer groups, or create a new consumer group:
Then you need to confirm when you want your Smartboard task to run:
Once your Smartboard is live you can then send out the invites to it.