When creating image widgets, artwork built to these specifications will provide the best results.
When either setting up a new/editing an existing image or carousel widget, there are some key sizes which you will need to follow in order for the widget to show correctly.
New style layout:
- Widget header height = 36px
- Single widget width = 270px
- Double widget width = 580px
- Single height widget (with header added separately) = 213px
- Single height widget (with header included) = 248px
- Double height widget (with header added separately) = 462px
- Double height widget (with header included) = 498px
- Image widget stretched in width to 75% (across 3 widget spaces) = 900px
- Image widget stretched in width to 100% (across 4 widget spaces) = 1200px
Old style layout:
- Widget header height = 36px
- Single widget width = 237px
- Double widget width = 484px
- Single height widget (with header added separately) = 213px
- Single height widget (with header included) = 248px
- Double height widget (with header added separately) = 462px
- Double height widget (with header included) = 498px
- Image widget stretched in width to 75% (across 3 widget spaces) = 733px
- Image widget stretched in width to 100% (across 4 widget spaces) = 978px
If you are unsure which layout your InsightHub currently has, or would like to update to the new style layout, please get in touch with us on support@flexmr.net
The front page type widget (which shows both image and text) will need to follow the width requirements as above, but the height should reflect the amount of text needing to be shown underneath the image.
Example of a 100% width widget:

For an image widget stretched in width to 75% and 100%, this is something which only FlexMR can edit for you and so please get in touch with us on support@flexmr.net
Mobile site:
Home page widget image:
- 400px wide by 400px high
Login page widget image: (please note, this is something which only FlexMR can edit for you and so please get in touch with us on support@flexmr.net)
- 400px wide by 200px high