PromptAI Questions in SurveyMR 2.0

PromptAI is a new question type in SurveyMR 2.0, which will automatically prompt a participant’s initial verbatim answer for more detail in a natural and engaging way, utilising generative AI technology.

 The second prompt question can be based on any specific research objectives entered in the question setup, allowing for a deeper understanding of participant responses in line with your project's requirements. 

To add a Prompt AI question to your survey, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to Back Room > Research Tools > SurveyMR 2.0
  • Either click 'Add Survey 2.0' to add a new survey, or click into an existing, upcoming survey
  • In the survey’s build tab, add a new question by first clicking and dragging the 'form' box from the left of the page onto the canvas, or edit an existing form by clicking on the edit icon in the top right corner of the form
  • Open the drop-down menu and choose “PromptAI question”

  • Once selected, input the question text as usual in the question box.
  • Next, you can choose an optional research domain. This should be a short (1 or 2 word) description of what the research is about or your target audience, e.g., 'university students', 'sports fans', 'medicine', 'banking'. This will help set the appropriate tone for your prompts
  • Next, you can select an optional research category to help tailor the prompt questions which are asked

  • You can also set an optional research objective

  • You can then choose whether or not to require answers for your question

  • Click ‘submit’

Before testing your survey using the ‘test run’ function, you can go to the ‘Settings’ tab and choose whether or not to ‘show AI prompting during test runs’. This can be done by any ‘admin’ or ‘client’ type account, where delegated rights for Survey 2.0 are in place for the user.

If you are unsure if the required delegated rights are in place, or would like to add these, please contact our helpdesk at

If choosing to show AI prompting in test runs, this will use PromptAI credits.

1 AI prompted follow-up question = 1 PromptAI Credit used

Once your survey responses have been collected, and you have closed your survey, you can download a CSV data file from the export tab to review the responses.

The CSV file will contain a column for each question asked, and show the answers given by participants, but will also contain columns showing the prompt questions which were asked in response to initial inputs from participants, too, so you can follow the entire participant journey through PromptAI.