How to create banners in NumbersMR

Banner tables provide a way to show questions in multiple cross tabs at the same time.

To add variables to a banner, click on ‘Banner layout’ in the top left-hand corner of the page.

CSAT Example

Next, select ‘Manage fields’ in the top right corner.

Manage Fields

You can then add variables to your banner by selecting them from the drop-down options in the pop-up screen. There are 3 aspects to creating a variable for your banner:

1. Source Type - you can choose from the following sources:
User field definition
Note: only sources that the user has access to will pull through into these options
2. Source – this will pull through relevant options based on the source type you have selected (e.g. names of the surveys/polls you have available for the analysis).
Please note if you select ‘User Field’, only the option ‘Preselected List’ can be selected.
3. Variable – this is the variable you want to include in the banner
Click the ‘+Add’ button to add your variables to the banner. In the pop-up screen you can also delete or move variables up and down in your banner from the actions drop-down list.
Add Fields
Once you have completed your banner, click on ‘close’ and you will be taken back to the analysis page. You can add, move or remove tables from your banner at any time, and all related tables will be updated.

You’ll now see the banner you added and the counts for this in the Banner Table screen.

You can then choose to merge, NET, hide or exclude items in the banner.

Creating Banner Tables

You can add banner tables individually to table sets by clicking on ‘Add Banner Table’ in the drop-down for a specific question or (more likely) all at once, by clicking on ‘Add Banner Tables’ from the tables menu.

Creating Banner Tables

Clicking on ‘Add Banner Tables’ will create a banner table for each table set in the analysis (including each sub-question in a grid or scale question).

You can then NET, merge, hide and exclude the rows in the banner table from the banner table screen, but any changes to the banner columns itself, must be made in the banner layout.