How to set up new ScrapbookMR tasks

To set up ScrapbookMR tasks, simple create a new book, select sample, schedule the task and invite participants.

The following video demonstrates the process of setting up and moderating ScrapbookMR tasks. Alternatively, a written explanation - including screenshots - continues below.

To add a new scrapbook, click 'Add Scrapbook' from the main scrapbook page.

Create a scrapbook

You need to give your new scrapbook a title and introduction (which will show to users) and set any admin rights up as well:

Create ScrapbookMR

Then set up a completion target (how many times they need to add images to the scrapbook for it to record as being completed on the participant page) if needed :

ScrapbookMR Settings


When setting the scrapbook up, on the 'Sample' tab, you can either select from a list of existing consumer groups, or create a new consumer group:

ScrapbookMR Sample

If you opt to create a new consumer group on this page, you will get a pop-up which contains a mini select sample page. You can then follow the exact same process to create your new group as you would on the main select sample page. 


Then you need to confirm when you want your scrapbook to run:

ScrapbookMR Scheduling


Once your scrapbook is live you can then send out the invites to it.