Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions in SurveyMR 2.0

A Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric of customer experience, with higher numbers representing higher opinions and better experiences. An NPS question is best used for questions such as ‘On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend FlexMR?’

To add an NPS question, go to Back Room > Research Tools > SurveyMR 2.0 . Either click into an existing 'upcoming' survey to edit, or click on the 'Add Survey 2.0' button to create a new survey.

Next, add a form to your survey. Add a question to that form and select ‘Net Promoter Score® question’ on the drop down.


Then, type in your question as usual.


The NPS question appears as a slider. The minimum answer is set to 0 and the maximum answer is set to 10.

You must also choose answer labels to give survey takers context as to which number is the positive versus negative option.


With the options above, the question would look like this: 


There is the option to set a starting position on the slider. This can be toggled on the questions options.


Once toggled, the start position is chosen. It is automatically set to 0 until changed. Changing this to a custom position can help eliminate survey bias.


If the start position is set to 5, as seen in the image, the question would instead look like this:
