How to add resources to Focus GroupMR groups

Pre-written questions, show of hands, media and smartboards can all be added to live chat focus groups.

To add resources (pre-written questions, show of hands) to your upcoming focus group, click into your focus group and go to the 'resources' tab.

Pre-Written Questions

You can add pre-written questions to the focus group, so that you don’t have to type so much (or copy and paste from a Word document) during the focus group.

To add the questions, click ‘Add Pre-written Question’

Alternatively, you are able to import pre-written questions. Click the 'Please choose a file' box to browse for the file, then click 'Import'

Your pre-written questions should be within a text file (.txt), with one question per line.

You can also export a list of questions from a previous focus group and upload these to another group.

Click the 'Actions' drop down menu to edit, re-order, and remove a pre-written Question

Show of Hands

You can also set up your show of hands (aka quick polls) in advance of the group starting. You can either click 'Add Question' to type them in manually or import them from a text file. You also have the opportunity to create new polls whilst the group is running if you wish.

As with the pre-written questions, you can also export your questions into a text file.


To add media to an upcoming focus group such as pictures, videos, audio files, and embed YouTube videos, select the type of stimuli you would like to add in the ‘Media' Tab.

Once you have selected the media type, choose the file and add a description. Click save. Upon clicking save, the progress indicator bar will appear:


Once the file has finished uploading, a notification will appear to let you know that the upload is complete.


You can remove stimuli you have added individually by clicking on the dustbin icon next to the stimulus you wish to remove.

*For image, audio and video (except YouTube videos) stimulus, just browse to where the image/audio is saved on your computer or network, give the stimulus a description, then click ‘upload’.

*To add a YouTube video, you need to find the video you want to use on YouTube, click on ‘share’ then copy the link which looks something like this:

  • You then paste in the YouTube link, give it a description, then click ‘Add stimuli’.


You can add a Smartboard task to your focus group alongside other stimuli to get detailed feedback on a particular image. Smartboards cannot currently be used in a video focus group.

To add a Smartboard, go to the ‘Smartboard’ tab and click 'Add Smartboard':

In the pop-up box, give your Smartboard a title and click 'Save'

Proceed to setup your Smartboard as below:

In the bottom description, we recommend you provide instructions about how the Smartboard works:

“How to add a comment

To add a comment, click on the part of the image where you would like to leave a marker. A prompt will appear saying ‘Do you want to add a marker here?’ and to continue click ‘OK’. You can then write your comment in the yellow box. Remember to click on ‘Add annotation’ when you’re done, so that your comment can be registered.”