AI Summaries in VideoMR

Using the VideoMR tool, AI summaries are now generated automatically for any video booth-type survey answers, once you have transcribed the video in VideoMR

Please note: AI summaries are created for recordings and clips, but cannot currently be created for video montages


To get started, go to Back Room > Analysis Tools > VideoMR

Here, you will find your video library where you can see all videos available. Find and click into the Video Booth clip or recording you would like to summarise.

VideoMR page

You will be able to find Video Booth generated videos by checking the source shown below the video is SurveyMR 2.0:

Video both type Qs

Once you have selected your video, scroll down the page and you will see the option to ‘Auto Transcribe’

Transcription button location

Click the ‘Auto Transcribe’ button. You will then be asked which language you would like to transcribe in. For InsightHubs where multiple languages have not previously been added, the only option which will appear is English.

Transcription button

Pop up message - are you sure

Once you have clicked ‘ok’, the site may take a few minutes to produce the transcription and will ask you to ‘check back later’.

After a few minutes, you can refresh the page, and your AI transcription will appear.

Transcription produced

Go back to the Video Library page (showing all videos) –

Back Room > Analysis Tools > VideoMR


Click the button in the top right to change to list view

List View button


You will then see an AI summary, automatically generated for each video booth answer you have transcribed.


Please note: You do not need to carry out any actions in addition to the initial transcription, in order to generate AI summaries.

List View with Summaries