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  2. Panel & Community Settings

What are community status bands?

Status bands give prestige and community recognition to top contributors within your InsightHub platform.

Community status bands are based upon the amount that participants have contributed to the platform in terms of activities completed across the research tools.

The bands are based on a user’s contributions, relative to other users in the community, as such, a user’s community status can fall if other users contribute a great deal and they do not maintain their level of contribution. Community statuses are based on a rolling average over the last 90 days.

The site calculates community statuses every 24 hours (overnight). Using the community status threshold, the site calculates the total number of points earned by all users across the site. It then identifies if the total number is above the threshold on the site (i.e. any user is eligible for a community status) and if users in the site have points. The users are then ordered based on the number of points they have earned. Then for each community status band, the number of users eligible for each band type is calculated (by starting with the ordered list of users, figuring out the band's percentage of users, then offsetting against the number of users who have already been assigned points).

For example, if there are 100 users who've earned points and the top 5% should be set to Platinum and the next 20% to Gold, it will assign Platinum to 1-5 then next assign Gold to 6-25.

Community status bands are shown to users on their personal space page (along with their current month's points total). Statuses are also shown next to any forum/blog comments a user leaves and for admins/observers on the research tool tooltips (accessed by hovering over a users' screen name).

Setting community status bands

Before community status bands show to users on the platform they must first be set up via Back Room > Panel & Community Settings > Community Status Bands and by then clicking on 'Add community status band':

Add Status Bands

Give your new status a name (e.g. Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze etc.), set the threshold and set a logo for the status. 

The threshold is the maximum percentage of users with the highest activity level to be shown in that band (e.g. for the top community status band you might only want the top 10% of users to show as Platinum so would enter 10 to the threshold).  

The logo should be no more than 20px (high) x 150px (wide). 

On the Community Settings page (Back Room > Panel & Community Settings > Community Settings) you also need to set the threshold of points users need to earn before their community status will show (usually set to 1 point):

Status Band Threshold