Welcome, how can we help?

Getting Started

A brief overview of the key aspects of the InsightHub platform, structure of this Help Centre and levels of access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to the most common questions about setting up and running a custom InsightHub.

InsightHub Database

The database stores participant information, controls consumer groups and brings together sample sources.

Project Management

Projects allow research tasks to be grouped in order to better manage insight and create segmented homepages.

Research Tools

Get acquainted with InsightHub's diverse range of qualitative and quantitative research tools.

Analysis Tools

Find out how to manipulate and analyse InsightHub data quickly and easily from within the platform.

Community Tools

Build a better, more responsive insight platform with tools that foster community engagement.

Design Options

Learn how to tailor the look, feel and branding of your InsightHub platform with images, design settings & widgets.

Communication Options

InsightHub has communication tools to help you send task reminders, newsletters and peer-to-peer messages.

Panel & Community Settings

These settings control reward points, status bands, leaderboards and other features that build engagement.

Platform Content

How to build pages that inform participants about your privacy policy, answer FAQs and include important info.

Video Walkthroughs

A library of video walkthroughs to help you make the most out of your InsightHub investment.

Interactive Demos

Explore the features & functionalities of InsightHub tools in a structured, guided environment.

Training Courses

Enrol into our email-based training courses and learn how to take your InsightHub to the next level.

Use Cases

Dive into a world of inspiration. Discover new ways to make use of your InsightHub platform with real-life examples.